Team member

Kristian Ukonaho

Investment Director, Helsinki


Previous experience

Carnegie Investment Bank, Pareto Securities

Joined Verso





M.Sc. in International Banking and Finance and BA (Hons) in Management (1st class) from the University of Strathclyde Business School


+358 400 66 8454


Kristian has more than ten years of experience working in investment banking and private equity in Helsinki and Stockholm. He has advised companies in a broad range of sectors in over 20 ECM and M&A transactions, raising around €1bn through a wide variety of capital market transactions.

Kristian has broad experience of advising early stage to mid-cap companies during their most important growth inflection points, helping companies to present their growth stories in the most value maximising way. Among other transactions he has helped to execute 8 successful IPOs on Nasdaq Stockholm, Nasdaq Helsinki and Nasdaq First North. Kristian also has strong experience in project management, having coordinated legal, financial as well as PR and marketing teams in several transactions.